Daniel... gave his life doing the job he loved...
his life was brief. yet lived to the fullest ...
i never heard him talk of what he -wished- hjavascript:void(0)e had done... because that guy did it all the things he wanted to do....he didn't waste a minute of his life...
i can recall when i taught him how to ride a motorcycle.....i think he went and got one the following week.... which he later road down from washington.. in the rain...
only death could stop him...daniel lived like he knew his life was gonna be cut short..it would do us good to keep a spot in our hearts for his do-or-die spirit...and use that in times of unsureness..to help us live boldly.....i know if he could send us a letter it would humorously let us know .don't worry about me... i didn't feel a thing.... my last words to him were.... don't get blown up...again....i can still see his smiling face as he gave me a thug hug and headed off back to the battlefield...... his last words to me were.... "ill do my best (not to)" along with a chuckle......
as you live your life and find yourself to miss this guy just remember that daniel did what he wanted to do in life with confidence and passion... not letting anyone talk him out of his dreams and wants...let us also in our lives; as we remember him... do just that.... treat you life like you might have it cut short anytime... and get tattoos to remember it. miss u cuz..