its been way too long since i found a good mom and pops vietnamese rotisserie chicken shop..well actually this is the first i found.. this little plate costs about 3 and a half bones and fills me up...u can get it bigger or for you dudes in training .. half and whole chickens available....be sure to check em out.. located in the car wash plaza at state college and ball. oc rotisserie chicken.....FRIED MO-FN' SHALLOTS ON THE RICE AND CHICKEN!
my friend candace had me do up her arm with a sick concept we worked up together... she said her mom was like an evil witch or fairy godmother.. like out of sleeping beauty or cinderella... so we did her portrait and freestyled the rest.. felt it was good to tap and let heal before proceeding with the kill...i love the eyes and lips..
i think i can use a lot more practice with the mag...im trying a combination of circles and whips
i can see few spots i missed but nothing big..SKIN IS SO DIFFERENT ON EVERY PERSON..

cant wait to fin....