i love this symbol... i told all my mexican friends id give it to them for a tip only..or weed
old schoolness found in backyard of my friend ynot.. (tony spelled backwards)
first attempt at the ever so populardia de los muertos themed girls...we got alot to go on this one..
first freehand girlface..
pacsta got a touch up
known was thrilled to add to his leg.. i was thrilled he picked a drawing of mine
chewy got a gf
took a day off with the homie tom..
i been real into single needle work lately...
i had to go out to pomona to tat some dudes.. one dude was kind enough to show me some work he said he got in "the joint"
i tripped out .. this was supposedly done by a dude from playboyz....with a single handmade broom bristol needle on a walkman motor machine...ink was burnt baby oil-one shade poured into a half raquetball as a cap...capitol A-f-ckin-mazing shit....wouldnt u say? considering we got access on the "outs " to all sorts of resources.. some at times going to waste.... this made me rethink my whole setup and approach....the single needle has become a vital part of my arsenal..
i met a new friend that is a boxer.. heavy weight.. 22 wins 19 ko's. he also taught me the meaning of a lot of tattoos i see on guys that have seen the inside of darker places. I WAS SURPRISED TO LEARN THAT SOME TATTOOS NEED TO BE VALIDATED WITH A HEAVY PRICE. with that in consideration i'd say his boxing career has validated him getting this in his skin for life.