i recently went back to work for a buddy of mine as a caregiver.. i worked this job for 2 years back in 2004 and it helped me have a better out look on life throughout the ordeals that followed shortly after with my father having a stroke.. Kevin is parylized from the chest down with barely any mobility in his arms..despite the tons of challenges such an obvious disability would present to anyone facing such a road block, he finihsed his doctorate and passed the California BAR exam. he will be sworn in as a lawyer on Dec 1 2011. nuthing holds him back....this guy even says he wants me to help him try snorkeling andso we threw him in the jaccuzzi to start training day scarface style...

heres a look at my second attempt at spraypaint..

and some tattoos.. recently hopped up the machine with a faster motor.. gettin good results..

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